To our dearest Ira
We are away but cannot stop thinking about you, and of course our Allyn.
We are so grateful that we had the opportunity to be at Allyn’s funeral before we left. It was a remarkable tribute to the unique, special, beautiful person that she was. We miss her and are thinking of her daily.
We are also thinking about you. How wonderful you were as a husband, friend , medical advisor and beloved partner. You were and are amazing. We are so grateful that Allyn had you on her side throughout this battle.
We love you and so want to be there for you, every minute of every day. We know we have TONS of competition in this endeavor. For starters, we’d like to invite you for Shabbat dinner may 25th (just with us) and also June 1st (when the Caslow’s will be with us also). We love you and want to help you during these challenging days ahead. Please know we will come to be with you ANY TIME you want us to be there. Just give a holler (and we will be calling/texting often as well) and we’ll jump in the car/train to be with you. You are ALWAYS welcome in our home. Whenever!
Ira, you are extraordinary. Allyn was blessed. And so were you to have her, and are we to be your friends. Please don’t deny us the opportunity to be there for you as well as the chance to reminisce about Allyn and keep her beautiful memory alive. Forever.
With all our love,
Diane and Sid